submit blog and blog RSS feed
Submit Blogs and Blog RSS Feeds
Blog Digger - submit your rss feed for your blog
ReadABlog - submit your blog
Blogarama - submit your blog
BlogStreet - blog submissions
Globe of Blogs - submit your rss feed for you blog
Kmax Blog Links - blog submission
BlogDex - submit your blog
Blog Universe - blog submission
BlogSearchEngine - submit rss feeds for web logs
BlogHop - submit feeds for blogs
BlogWise - rss feed submission for blogs
EatonWeb - submit feed for online blogs
PopDex - feed sumbission for web blogs
Blizg - submit rss feeds for web logs - blog submissions
BlogCensus - submit your rss feed for your blog
BlogTree - blog submission
BlogStreet - rss feed submission for blog
BritBlog - blog submission
BlogLines - submit your blog to the directory
Bloogz - submit your blog
Australian Blog Directory - submit your blog
BoingBoing - submit blogs for review
RootBlog - enter the URL of a RSS feed you want to added to the database.
Weblog Directory - submit blog to directory
BlogoSphere EcoSystems - add your weblog
Blogz - add your blog
BlogWatcher - submit the url of your web log
BlogMatcher - submit your blog url
BlogPulse - automated trend discovery system for blogs
BlogCatalog - The Ultimate Blog Directory - Search For Blogs
Blogdir - spanish blog community
Blogs R Us - add feed
Blogs By City - add your blog!
FeedMap - submit a blog!
BlogSearch - submit blogs
PubSub - blog feed submission.
BlogSweet - blog feed submission.
BlogFlux - blog feed submission.
Blogtastic - blog feed submission.
Blog Introduction - submit blogs.
Finding Blog - blog submissions
Bulletize - blog submissions
BlogTopSites - blog submissions
Blog Fuse- blog submissions
Blogion- blog submissions
AddUrlBlog- add blogs
Blogbib- add blogs
BOTW Blog- add blogs
Blog Directory Submit- add blogs
BlogTopSites- add blogs (they will provide required code that must be inserted in your website, in order for blogtopsites to rank your blog)
iBlogBusiness - add business blogs only
BlogSiteZone - manually add blogs to directory.
BlogTopList - adds blogs to directories.
BlogBurst - adds blogs to directories.
Podcast Submissions
Podcasting Station - submit podcasts
Podcast Submission Directory - submit podcasts
Submit RSS Feeds
the following sites allowing you to submit RSS feeds:
Consider RSS Submit to automate submissions!
RSS FeedsRSS Network - submit RSS feeds & select category
RSS Locator - submit RSS feeds
Syndic8 - submit RSS feeds
DayPop - post your RSS feed or blog
Feedster - submit your RSS feed
Rocket News - post your RSS feed
Technorati - submit your RSS feed to be pinged
Userland - submit rss feeds
Postami - submit rss feeds
Finance Investing Feeds - Only submit finance or investment related feeds.
Security Protection Feeds - Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category.
Realty Feeds - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category.
Medical Feeds - Submit feeds related to medical care or health.
Religious Podcasts - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.
Sports Feeds - Submit sports related RSS feeds and podcasts.
Political Feeds - Submit political feeds and podcasts.
Government Feeds - Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies. Feeds from both Local and federal governments are accepted.
Educational Feeds - Submit feeds and podcasts related to education.
2RSS - submit rss and assign category (on bottom)
NewsMob - submit rss news feeds
RocketInfo - submit your rss content and feed
Edu RSS - harvests only feeds dealing with educational technology and related issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list. submit News using XML
Complete RSS - enter the url(s) of the feeds you wish to add to the directory. - add rss feeds
MoreOver - Moreover connects to thousands of online sources handpicked for excellence and trustworthiness. In order to maintain the quality of the directory all submission are evaluated prior to inclusion.
GeneCast - RSS news feed submissions
Memigo - submit a news link to memigo
PubSub - PubSub reads more than 2 million syndicated feeds, matches messages to subscriptions and delivers messages to subscribers in real time.
BulkFeeds - submit an rss feed
Ping-O-Matic - rss feed submissions (pings site)
Yenra - submit RSS news feed
easyRSS - gives you a direct access to the content you are interested in.
NewsXS - submit rss feeds
FeedFarm - all submitted feeds are reviewed
FastBuzz - submit feeds
RSSFeeds - submit rss feeds
Search4RSS - submit RSS feeds
DeskFeeds - rss feed and blog submissions
Terrar - rss feed submissions
The Feed Spot - submit feeds
StepNewz - submit rss news feeds
RSS Verzeichnis - German feed submissions
4Guys from Rolla - submit feeds
DevASP - add feed listing
FuzzySoftware - submit XML listings
ASP Index - submit RSS feeds
SourceForge - submit news feeds
Feed Directory - submit RSS feeds in the feed directory.
FeedBeagle - submit feeds (scroll down)
FeedPlex - submit feeds
Feeds4All - submit RSS feeds
NewsFeedFinder - submit RSS feeds
Plazoo - submit RSS feeds
Newzfire - submit RSS feeds
Feed24 - RSS feed submissions
Shas3 - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
RSS Feeds Directory - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
FeedCat - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
FeedMiner - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
RSS Clipping - add RSS urls
Read A Feed - add RSS urls
Loomia - add RSS feeds
Feeds2Read - add your RSS feeds
Feedzie - add your RSS feeds
RSS Portal - add your RSS feeds
RSS Feed 4U - add your RSS feeds
StepNewz - suggest RSS feeds
StepNewz - suggest RSS feeds
Thomas Korte - automated feed submissions
JordoMedia - suggest RSS feeds
RSS Mad - add an RSS feed (on bottom right side)
FeedBomb - Navigate category and suggest a feed.
nFeeds - Submit RSS feeds only.
Auto Feeds - Submit automotive feeds only.
News Goblin - Submit automotive feeds only.
Wordum - Submit automotive feeds only
FeedSee - Submit feeds using keyword searches.
Ez2News - Submit RSS feeds
Submit Feeds - RSS submission feeds
Feedooyoo - Submit RSS feeds
Science Port - Add RSS feeds
FeedAge - Submit RSS feeds
GoldenFeed - Submit RSS feeds
RSSMicro - Submit RSS feeds
FeedDirectory - Submit RSS feeds
Octora RSS Feeds - Submit RSS feeds
FeedFury - Submit RSS feeds
National Lib for Health - Submit Medical feeds
RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds
FindRSS - Submit RSS feeds
FeedBase - Submit RSS feeds
RSSMotron - Submit RSS feeds - Submit RSS feeds
Day Time News - Submit RSS feeds
FeedGod - suggest a feed (on the right)
RSSBuffet - submit an RSS feed
SolarWarp- submit an RSS feed
Feedest - submit a feed
RSSMicro - submit a feed
Videocast Feeds
Videocasting Station - Submit RSS feeds
Regional Feeds
RSS - Beligian RSS feeds. (no obvious way to submit feeds)
RSS - German RSS feed directory.
RSS feeds Israel - Israeli RSS feeds
Spanish Feeds - Spanish RSS feeds
Japanese Feeds - Japanese RSS feeds
Submission Tools
FeedPark - submit RSS feeds automated submission helper
FeedShot - fee based feed submission
SubmitEmNow - addon for feed submissions
Feed Validator
RSS Feed Validator - validate your feed to ensure your code is correct
Podcast Submissions
Effectively Using Overture/Yahoo To Get Website Visitors
Overture or now known as Yahoo because of Yahoo's takeover, was the original inventor of the use of the P4P or Pay for Performance.
Overture saw that the internet was fast becoming the easiest and most convenient way to shop, and advertising was going to hit at an all time high because of the many businesses in the arena.
To get a person to go to a site than others, it needs to be very visible. Providing ads that could direct potential consumers and costumers to their site would allow them to have an increase in traffic as well as sales.
Yahoo provides a service that can put a site or companies ad in their sites that can be shown when certain keywords are inputted.
Yahoo offers a chance for any company to increase their traffic by using their services. With more people being aware of your site, there would be more traffic and visitors to your site given the chance to view your pages as well as your products.
With even a small percentage of successful sales, with a high traffic volume this could still be a substantial figure for your company.
Getting a consistent substantial flow of website visitors is every companies goal. Many methods are devised and utilized to ensure that there would be more people to boost the sales and to be aware of the existence of such a product or service. Website visitors are potentially the life blood of your internet based business.
Yahoo/Overture utilizes the same principle as Google Adwords. In fact, they are very similar to each other that they use keyword and keyword phrase searches and to determine which ads to show per search.
When a person types in a keyword or keyword phrase to search for anything, the search engines gives out the results in a page.
Then at the right side of the page, you will see selected ads that have paid for their ads to be viewed with certain keywords and keyword phrases searched.
For example, Lets say you run a car parts retail/wholesale site. You choose keywords that can prompt or trigger your ads to be shown in the page when a keyword is searched.
When a search engine user types in Honda Accord, your ad may come up if you have designated that as one of your keywords. You don't need to fully optimize your site with Search Engine Optimization methods and techniques.
While some labor so hard to make their site one of the high ranking sites per keyword search, you get the chance to be on the top of the list or at least in the first page of a search result increasing your chance to be clicked on. With that, you drive traffic and website visitors to your site a lot faster.
You will have to pony up some cash when using this service though. There are different ways Yahoo/Overture will charge you. It may be in the number of Keywords or Keyword phrases your ad uses or in the many times your ad is clicked on.
Others offer many other services like having your ad show up not only in the search engine pages but also with some third party sites.
Third party sites support ads that have the same theme or niche as them. With more areas your ad is shown, you increase the chances of people knowing about your site or product.
With more website visitors you increase the sales of your site which makes your investment with your ads a wise one.
With so many competitions in the internet based businesses, it is necessary to take a huge leap forward from the pack by advertising. Yahoo/Overture will be a great place to start.
Many have utilized their services and have reaped the rewards of this decision. It's a marketing strategy that will increase your website visitors as well as increase your sales resulting to profit.
It takes money to make money, while there are some methods that are basically low cost or free, using a marketing service such as what Yahoo/Overture offers will provide results faster and on a larger scale. Many businesses have learned this the hard way, don't be counted with them.
how to increase your Adsense Earning
Every Adsense publisher can significantly increase their Adsense earnings by choosing the best Adsense keyword and the top paying Adsense keyword. This article will discuss how to increase your adsense earnings by at least 200 percent by using the best Adsense keyword.
The Google Adsense program has become a favorite of many internet marketers in increasing their online income. One of the keys to increasing your Adsense income is by increasing the amount of traffic to your website. Another easy method for increasing your Adsense earnings is by placing the best Adsense top paying keyword on all your Adsense websites and web pages. As well as finding the best Adsense top paying keyword, the secret is making sure your website is relevant to your chosen best Adsense keyword. Make sure your main keyword is in your h1 header tags, in the title of your web page, in your web page description and also in your meta keywords.
Make sure your best top paying Adsense keyword is in your heading, and preferably the first words used. Make sure your best top paying Adsense keyword features prominently in the first paragraph of your web content, but make sure that the website copy makes sense.
If you have any images on your phrase use the alternate text image description as another place to put your best high paying Adsense keyword, however describe the image, don’t just place the keyword in it. If you are an Adsense publisher then it’s absolutely critical that you focus on finding the best top paying Adsense keyword for every page of your websites. The reason for this is pretty clear.
One keyword may be worth $17.00, a very similar keyword may be worth $2.20. You of course won’t get the full $17.00 every time a visitor to your website clicks on your Adsense ads. You and the Google Adsense program will share this revenue. When you know what your potential site visitors are looking for and have optimized your Adsense web pages for the best top paying Adsense keyword, the more visitors to your website the more clicks you should receive. Another factor to bear in mind is that the older your website is, the better Google Adsense ads will appear on your site.
Your Google Page Rank will also have an effect on this, as will your website traffic. Also don’t just focus your entire website on your best top paying Adsense keyword. There is a lot of competition for certain Adsense keywords. As well as finding the best Adsense top paying keyword, the secret is making sure your website is relevant to your chosen best Adsense keyword.
Make sure your main keyword is in your h1 header tags, in the title of your web page, in your web page description and also in your meta keywords. By using certain Adsense keyword tools you can find more long tail keywords with very little competition at all which, when you add them up with other long tail keywords, will add up to a lot of traffic and more Adsense earnings.
This article has discussed the difference between ordinary keywords and having your site optimized with best top paying Adsense keywords. Now that you know how to do that you must find the right tools to optimize your sites for the highest paying Adsense keywords.
Adsense Secrets
Adsense Secret # 1: Coalesce Google Ads with your Web Page
Let the border of the advertisements on your site coincide with the background color of your webpage. Let the text, title and urls in the Google Ads have the same font color as that of the font color of the contents in your web page. Ensure that you do everything possible to make the Google ads conflate with your website content.
Though it is tough to match the font size for the content of your web site with that of the advertisements, try to have the same font size to the maximum extent possible.
• Adsense Secret # 2: Make use of Images
This is one of the unique Adsense secret which is really valuable. Put up images pertaining to the theme of your web page around the ads appearing on your web site. This not only helps in integrating the content of your web page with the Google advertisements but also increases your Click Through Rate (CTR).
• Adsense Secret # 3: Place Ads at the top of your page
Putting up the ads on the top of your web page is the most treasured Adsense secret. And beware of the fact that the higher the order of the advertisement, the more is the income it would generate for every click.
• Adsense Secret # 4: CTR is Account Dependent
In case if you have multiple websites and if one website had a CTR of 15% and another has a CTR of .03%, the first thing you will have to do is to remove the webpage that has the CTR of.03% for this website may bring down your account's average CTR. This proves to be one of the imperceptible Adsense secrets.
• Adsense Secret # 5: Use Unique size for Google Ads
Yet another adsense secret is to make use of dimensions like 160*600 or 336*280 for the advertisements. Viewers tend to click on them thinking that the ad is a part of the web page.
• Adsense Secret # 6: Automate Google Ad Insertion using SSI
Automate the insertion of Google advertisements by writing scripts and inserting using SSI with the assistance of your server administrator. In the long run, this would save your time and efforts spent in the integration of Google ads with your web page.
• Adsense Secret # 7: Update and Maintain germane links
Update and maintain the sites that are faring well. While placing your ads in sites that are faring well, place them on top of all the existing ads so that the viewer who comes in would be able to see your ads first.
• Adsense Secret # 8: Add Fresh Content as often as you can
The higher the frequency of articles posted in your site, the more the traffic it drives to your web page and the higher is your page ranking.
• Adsense Secret # 9: Get to know keywords that are highly utilized and make use of them
Making the maximum use of the widely used keywords in your site is one of the unsung adsense secrets known.
• Adsense Secret # 10: Use customized layouts for Google Ads
Rectangle and skyscraper layout fare better than the other layouts and ensure that the dimensions are such that they merge well with the web content.
With the Adsense secrets revealed above, I am sure you can climb the ladder of Google Page Ranking with ease. Try and enjoy the benefits with these Adsense secrets!
7 Steps To Get PR5 One Way Links For Free
One way links from sites with high Page Rank are the best possible links you could get when promoting your site or blog. The easy way to get these type of links is to use services like or where you pay monthly fees for one way links on sites that you choose.
Those services work very well, but what do you do if you can't afford to buy many high PR text links.
I'm going to show you an easy way to get this type of links, and you can use this method if you don't have a big budget or you simply want to save some money.
Let's say you have created a blog in a certain niche, you have added content on a regular basis, found some link partners, sent articles to directories etc. Traffic is coming to your blog, but in pretty low numbers.
So you want to get some one way links from sites with high PR (preferably with more than decent traffic) for better search engine placement. You'll do this by creating a quality report in that niche, and then offer that report with Master Resale Rights to owners of blogs and sites(with PR 5+) in your niche in exchange for a one way link.
Here's how you do that Step By Step:
Step1. The first thing you need to do is make a list with questions that people have regarding your niche. To do this, you must visit blogs, forums(the best resource for this type of research), Yahoo Answers, Online Magazines, Google Groups, and to find those questions that need an answer. Choose one two or three questions that are asked a lot, questions people are having a hard time finding an answer for.
Step2. If you are an expert in your niche jump to Step3. If you're not an expert in your niche and you do research to create content for your blog or site, you need to follow the same process to create your report. Article directories can be a good place to start, also, forums, blogs etc.
Step3. Now it's time to write the report. It should have a maximum of 20 pages, but it could work very well with even 10 pages. Make sure you answer the questions you have found in step1 in a clear and easy to understand way. This is the most important part of the process. If the report isn't of the best quality, webmasters will reject it.
Step4. Find affiliate programs that go hand in hand with your report.,, are great places to find affiliate programs.
Step5(Optional but Recommended). Write a small sales letter for the report ... well more like a solo ad. Write about how your report answers those questions a lot of people are dying to know the answer. Search on google for "how to write a solo ad" for ideas.
Step6. Find blogs and sites in your niche with high PR. Use google, blog directories, article directories and social bookmarking sites.
Step7. Contact the webmasters and offer the report with Master Resale Rights in exchange for a one way link on the home page or other high PR page. Show them the list with affiliate programs you recommend they promote. Also, as a bonus, give them the solo ad you wrote so that they can instantly send it to their list for quick money in their Paypal accounts. Try to contact as many webmasters as you can. Not all will accept the proposal but if you create a quality report many will.
Follow these steps, and you'll get many top quality one way links for free.
Building Quality Backlinks
When it comes to having a website that is properly optimized for search engines, backlinks are a necessity to online success. There are several different components that assist in the area of having a website that is considered to have good optimization for all the popular websites like Google, Yahoo, Lycos, Ask.Com, AOL, MSN, and more. These components include keywords, the density of keywords within the physical content, quality, and backlinks.
Here, you will learn quite a bit of information regarding this important component of your website. You will learn what they are, how to get them, and even why they are important!
What Are Backlinks?
Many individuals are quite curious to learn more once they hear of backlinks offering a solution to increasing their overall page rank. Backlinks are actually quite simple to define. They are basically just links that are considered to be incoming to a particular website, article, picture, video, or any other type of media that is on the internet. You may also look at them as a link that is received from one particular area on the internet to another specific area on the internet. These are received and sent to what is referred to as "web nodes". Web nodes include online directories, domains that are considered to be top level, and even basic websites.
Backlinks are known by several other names when it comes to the virtual world, these names include:
Inward Links
Inbound, or Inbound Links
Incoming, or Incoming Links
How Do I Get Backlinks?
There are several creative ways to get backlinks to your website. One of the methods that I find to be most effective is by creating an article marketing campaign that can provide you with several different places to add small reciprocal links back to the page that you are trying to increase the overall ranking of. Here's an example:
Let's say that you have a website that promotes natural remedies for depression. We will call this website "BowlingSample.Com" (just for the sake of providing an example).
Now, we want to get backlinks to BowlingSample.Com through the means of an article marketing campaign. We research free places to submit articles and we come up with and So, these two websites are the places we will submit our articles for the article marketing campaign.
We will want to create articles geared around bowling balls, shoes, gloves and anything pertaining to bowling, and more. Once the articles are completed, we will want to submit them.
Now, you will run across resource sections where you can provide links to other websites. This is where you will want to provide a backlink to the website that you want your visitors to visit. If you submit one article to and one to, you will have two backlinks!
Now, wasn't that easy?
Why Are Backlinks So Important?
Backlinks are essential to online success due to the fact that they assist in creating popularity for your website. In addition to this, when search engines crawl websites, they determine which websites have the largest number of backlinks. When this occurs, it creates a popularity rank when it comes to search engine ranking. Naturally, the higher that your page and other media online ranks, the more successful your website will be!
Gaining Link Popularity Using 7 simple steps Posted by jasmine.celion
Link Popularity can take more time than other methods do. However the more better your rankings and placement are in the search engines, the more traffic that you will be able to generate. Here are 7 Different ways to building link popularity today.
1. Make your web site look professional. Having a web site that has a more professional look will attract more visitors and more individuals to your website. The more professional looking your site, the more credibility your company will gain. It is a part of human psychology. People tend to gravity towards things or people that look attractive. Therefore, make your web page attractive, and people will be attracted to it.
2. List your website in the best directories possible. The better the directory the better your links will be. If you are in the best directory, more and more websites will love to link to your website due to the respect that some of these major directories have.
3. Ask for links from other quality sites. You can request links from other websites, but you should only be adding links to top quality websites. Remember that the quality of the backlinks you get is much more important than the quantity of backlinks generated.
4. Create good relationship with owners of other websites. Once you have created a good relationship with these people and/or businesses, you can ask them to put your links on their websites.
5. Remain persistent. Link popularity can take some time to work. You have to be patient and let it happen on its own without trying to make it happen.
6. Use pay-per-click advertising as a link building tool. Pay-per-click ads will get more traffic to your site. If your site has more traffic it is more likely that other webmasters will want to create a link to your site, especially if they feel your site is informative and appealing at the same time.
7. Establish Command. You should make yourself an expert on your product, your service, and your field. Once you have established a higher credibility, your site will get more business. If you have more business, then your popularity will be higher, and other sites will be more willing to link to you.
How to Secure Long Term Results From One Way Link Building
To those who are new to the internet search engine optimization, link buildings are often done through swapping; you connect to a link that you have to link back also. However, one way link building is a highly more effective way of building your link.
How Does One Way Links Prove to be Effective?
One way link building from sites with higher popularity link, as well as trusted ones with you will give the impressions to the users of the Internet that your website is truly endorsed because of its contents, since there is no reciprocation or what is called quid pro quo.
This can be a little hard to gain when your website is still new in the Internet world; nevertheless, there are many one way link building services available who offer to build links for your website. They are professionals and will require financial exchange for their services.
Advantages on Getting One Way Link Building Service for Your Website
* Search Engine Ranking
The services that offer to develop your one way links are very much aware on the relevance of building the website's optimization. It can serve a big advantage for your website link building for they know the proper ins and outs of the one way link building. Reputable link building can also be assured from professional services since they know those links that are reputable and will provide better reputation for yours too.
* Knowledgeable
Getting one way ling building service for the optimization of the website for a newbie is a good idea and also worry-free. With people working on your website's link building, you can never go wrong while you are still learning the proper trading and maintaining as well as link building in online business without losing some precious time. The website will be seen gaining in traffic and popularity with a very effortless manner. Strategies on the link building from services are mostly accurate and effective.
At times, getting links in a very rushed and fast method may cause website owners linking their website to sites that will not serve any positive effect on the popularity of your website. This can be greatly damaging for a starting website marketing owner. If you are in a rush to setup your links and start in the right foot with your business, the link building professionals available may be more than willing to help you. Keeping in mind that there are a huge number of these kinds of service providers and your analysis and study on choosing which service you will get will be better considered first.
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